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Comments by Dr. Ehsan Yarshater

In my opinion, Naderpour’s poems are lasting poems. Undoubtedly, his works will be counted among the classics in the Persian language. . . .
Certainly many have said and written (and quite correctly) that Naderpour is the greatest pictorial creator in Persian poetry in recent times, and this is not an insignificant point...

… In the last twenty years we owe thanks to Naderpour for many expressions that have now become popular and universal, such as “the sadness of the loneliness,” “the sadness of exile,” “being cut from our own roots,” “disheartened by the homeland that is being traumatized.” … In addition, he has given life to his poems through his beautiful descriptions, and through new, effective explanations he has made apparent to us the ambiguous, complex conditions of our own hidden conscience. His poem is the poem of our sadness, our worries, our hopes, and our disappointments.

Published in Kaveh magazine (Germany), No. 90, Summer 2001 (1379).